Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving Blessings

I know I'm a little late, but cut me some slack...I've been busy!

Thanksgiving on Thursday was fun as always. We went to Blairsville to spend Thanksgiving with Nana and Granddaddy. We were going to eat at 4 so we decided we would go hiking. After sleeping til 10, we got a late start on our hike. But we decided we would hike a short 3.6 loop in Vogel State Park.

At the beginning of the hike, we were excited to be in nature. It was very serene...quiet and almost eerie! We thought we were being led by amazing senses of direction...

But we were wrong! We made it to our the top of Blood Mountain overlooking the lake in Vogel State Park and it was very pretty!

However, our 3.6 loop turned into about 7 miles after we got lost and came out in the camper's section. We finally made it back to the car at about 4, which if you'll remember was the time we were supposed to be eating. We quickly drove home, but I still needed to show (as you can tell from my picture, it had been a couple days!). So I showered and got ready in record time and was sitting at the dinner table at 4:30.

I actually managed to skip dessert, but that was only because I was so full from all of the food I ate! We headed home around 7:30 and then I had to go back to Athens to be at work on Friday morning.

I can't believe the Holiday season is here! It feels like just yesterday I turned 23, went to the Dominican Republic and spent the summer working in Athens.

Here's a quick recap of all of the things I'm thankful for this year...

*My awesome friends! I love spending time with them
*My family! They love me unconditionally,even when I'm grouchy
*Thomas! I'm so lucky to have someone that is always there for me!
*My Sweet Stella! I love that she loves ice cream and spooning just like I do
*My job. Even though I complain about it a lot, I'm lucky to be working in this tough economy!

In other news, I sent my Save the Dates out yesterday, so you all should be receiving yours by Monday or so! I'm getting stressed out trying to get the details hammered out! I met with my wedding planner a couple of weeks ago and she was asking me for things that I had no clue about! When I told her no clue, she said oh well you need to find out and get back to me! WHOAAAAA I'll get on 2 months!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! And just know that I'm thankful for YOU too!



  1. Hiking looked awesome! We need to go again, ASAP. I want to bring Luke on a long one and see how he does!

  2. I want to go hiking!!!!Havn't got my save the date yet but its already saved:)
