Well, last week was definitely an interesting one. I went out with my friend Kathleen for her 21st birthday. There was supposed to be a big group of people, but it ended up just being the 2 of us. That was perfectly fine with me because we had fun anyways. We started off at El Azteca for some Mexican and tequila. Remember when they used to give you flan with a candle in it? How much better is it that you now get tequila with a lime?
We headed downtown and met up with some of Kathleen's friends. He ended up leaving us at Pauley's so we walked 7 blocks to Magnolias to hang out with some of my friends. After we met up with them we went to this bar called Bad Manor. It was really cool and they were handing out glowsticks. We ended up leaving my friends to head back to Pauleys to hang out with Kathleen's friends, but on the way we decided to stop in at Toppers (yes, its exactly what it sounds like!). This guy blew smoke in my face and so I started yelling at him and he told me he was security. Long story short, we decided it was time to leave with security following us out the door. As we're walking out the door, Kathleen turns to the security guy and says, YOU'RE A MIDGET! I almost died laughing!
I had to work Saturday all day! 10.5 hours was no fun after Friday night! After work on Saturday, I met Jordan at Buffalos for dinner. It was good to get out and have some girl time! I filled Jordan in all about Emma's wedding and she filled me in on her law school woes! On Sunday, I woke up to a freezing cold house (52 degress, yes I'm boycotting heat!) and did some chores around the house. I woke up at 7am because of daylight savings time and then went back to sleep and slept til 10am! I quickly got ready and headed to Gwinnett for a baby shower. I didn't take any pictures at the shower, but here is one of Stella and I in the car on the ride.
You can't see Kelsoe in the back...I have him blocked with stuff because lately, he's been trying to come into the front seat, which causes mayhem between him and Stella and causes major distractions with me. Stella was trying to come into my lap, so I was fighting her with my arm...that's why she looks pissed! And yes, I was stopped at a redlight when I took this picture.
I got my engagement pictures back today. I am really excited because I really liked all of them...how do you narrow down 386 pictures down to one! Here is a sneak peak...
I love the one on top because its natural...we were just sitting there talking while the photographer played with his camera and he took this shot to test the light! I don't really like my face in the second one, but how can you resist vom prom pose!! I didn't really like the dress that I wore...I didn't realize til I looked at the picture that it was short and I didn't really think it was tha
t flattering.
My photographer liked us so much that he wants to use us to build his portfolio so we're taking engagement pictures, round 2 in downtown Athens in December when they have it decorated for Christmas!
Happy Tuesday!
yay more vom pics! I'm excited for the christmas ones!