So I have a project due on Friday and a paper due next Tuesday, so I'm blogging to procrastinate.
I Facebook stalked all morning, now its on to wedding stuff. While I was browsing the internet today, I found a really great quote that I think I need to live by more. Lately, I've found myself stressing out about the little things with wedding planning, and the big things like school, work and money. I think I'm going to start laughing a little more :)
A Time to Laugh
1. Laugh when people tell a joke. Otherwise you might make them feel bad.
2. Laugh when you look into a mirror. Otherwise you might feel bad.
3. Laugh when you make a mistake. If you don't, you're liable to forget how ultimately unimportant the whole thing really is, whatever it is.
4. Laugh with small children… They laugh at mashed bananas on their faces, mud in their hair, a dog nuzzling their ears, the sight of their bottoms as bare as silk. It renews your perspective. Clearly nothing is as bad as it could be.
5. Laugh at situations that are out of your control. When the best man comes to the altar without the wedding ring, laugh. When the dog jumps through the window screen at the dinner guests on your doorstep, sit down and laugh a while.
6. When you find yourself in public in mismatched shoes, laugh -- as loudly as you can. Why collapse in mortal agony? There's nothing you can do to change things right now. Besides, it is funny. Ask me; I've done it.
7. Laugh at anything pompous. At anything that needs to puff its way through life in robes and titles… Will Rogers laughed at all the public institutions of life. For instance, "You can't say civilization isn't advancing," he wrote. "In every war they kill you in a new way."
8. Finally, laugh when all your carefully laid plans get changed; when the plane is late and the restaurant is closed and the last day's screening of the movie of the year was yesterday. You're free now to do something else, to be spontaneous… to take a piece of life and treat it with outrageous abandon.
So don't forget to laugh today!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Thanksgiving Blessings
I know I'm a little late, but cut me some slack...I've been busy!
Thanksgiving on Thursday was fun as always. We went to Blairsville to spend Thanksgiving with Nana and Granddaddy. We were going to eat at 4 so we decided we would go hiking. After sleeping til 10, we got a late start on our hike. But we decided we would hike a short 3.6 loop in Vogel State Park.
But we were wrong! We made it to our the top of Blood Mountain overlooking the lake in Vogel State Park and it was very pretty!
However, our 3.6 loop turned into about 7 miles after we got lost and came out in the camper's section. We finally made it back to the car at about 4, which if you'll remember was the time we were supposed to be eating. We quickly drove home, but I still needed to show (as you can tell from my picture, it had been a couple days!). So I showered and got ready in record time and was sitting at the dinner table at 4:30.
I actually managed to skip dessert, but that was only because I was so full from all of the food I ate! We headed home around 7:30 and then I had to go back to Athens to be at work on Friday morning.
I can't believe the Holiday season is here! It feels like just yesterday I turned 23, went to the Dominican Republic and spent the summer working in Athens.
Here's a quick recap of all of the things I'm thankful for this year...
*My awesome friends! I love spending time with them
*My family! They love me unconditionally,even when I'm grouchy
*Thomas! I'm so lucky to have someone that is always there for me!
*My Sweet Stella! I love that she loves ice cream and spooning just like I do
*My job. Even though I complain about it a lot, I'm lucky to be working in this tough economy!
In other news, I sent my Save the Dates out yesterday, so you all should be receiving yours by Monday or so! I'm getting stressed out trying to get the details hammered out! I met with my wedding planner a couple of weeks ago and she was asking me for things that I had no clue about! When I told her no clue, she said oh well you need to find out and get back to me! WHOAAAAA I'll get on 2 months!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! And just know that I'm thankful for YOU too!
Thanksgiving on Thursday was fun as always. We went to Blairsville to spend Thanksgiving with Nana and Granddaddy. We were going to eat at 4 so we decided we would go hiking. After sleeping til 10, we got a late start on our hike. But we decided we would hike a short 3.6 loop in Vogel State Park.
At the beginning of the hike, we were excited to be in nature. It was very serene...quiet and almost eerie! We thought we were being led by amazing senses of direction...
However, our 3.6 loop turned into about 7 miles after we got lost and came out in the camper's section. We finally made it back to the car at about 4, which if you'll remember was the time we were supposed to be eating. We quickly drove home, but I still needed to show (as you can tell from my picture, it had been a couple days!). So I showered and got ready in record time and was sitting at the dinner table at 4:30.
I actually managed to skip dessert, but that was only because I was so full from all of the food I ate! We headed home around 7:30 and then I had to go back to Athens to be at work on Friday morning.
I can't believe the Holiday season is here! It feels like just yesterday I turned 23, went to the Dominican Republic and spent the summer working in Athens.
Here's a quick recap of all of the things I'm thankful for this year...
*My awesome friends! I love spending time with them
*My family! They love me unconditionally,even when I'm grouchy
*Thomas! I'm so lucky to have someone that is always there for me!
*My Sweet Stella! I love that she loves ice cream and spooning just like I do
*My job. Even though I complain about it a lot, I'm lucky to be working in this tough economy!
In other news, I sent my Save the Dates out yesterday, so you all should be receiving yours by Monday or so! I'm getting stressed out trying to get the details hammered out! I met with my wedding planner a couple of weeks ago and she was asking me for things that I had no clue about! When I told her no clue, she said oh well you need to find out and get back to me! WHOAAAAA I'll get on 2 months!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! And just know that I'm thankful for YOU too!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Shots and Baby Showers
Well, last week was definitely an interesting one. I went out with my friend Kathleen for her 21st birthday. There was supposed to be a big group of people, but it ended up just being the 2 of us. That was perfectly fine with me because we had fun anyways. We started off at El Azteca for some Mexican and tequila. Remember when they used to give you flan with a candle in it? How much better is it that you now get tequila with a lime?
We headed downtown and met up with some of Kathleen's friends. He ended up leaving us at Pauley's so we walked 7 blocks to Magnolias to hang out with some of my friends. After we met up with them we went to this bar called Bad Manor. It was really cool and they were handing out glowsticks. We ended up leaving my friends to head back to Pauleys to hang out with Kathleen's friends, but on the way we decided to stop in at Toppers (yes, its exactly what it sounds like!). This guy blew smoke in my face and so I started yelling at him and he told me he was security. Long story short, we decided it was time to leave with security following us out the door. As we're walking out the door, Kathleen turns to the security guy and says, YOU'RE A MIDGET! I almost died laughing!
I had to work Saturday all day! 10.5 hours was no fun after Friday night! After work on Saturday, I met Jordan at Buffalos for dinner. It was good to get out and have some girl time! I filled Jordan in all about Emma's wedding and she filled me in on her law school woes! On Sunday, I woke up to a freezing cold house (52 degress, yes I'm boycotting heat!) and did some chores around the house. I woke up at 7am because of daylight savings time and then went back to sleep and slept til 10am! I quickly got ready and headed to Gwinnett for a baby shower. I didn't take any pictures at the shower, but here is one of Stella and I in the car on the ride.
You can't see Kelsoe in the back...I have him blocked with stuff because lately, he's been trying to come into the front seat, which causes mayhem between him and Stella and causes major distractions with me. Stella was trying to come into my lap, so I was fighting her with my arm...that's why she looks pissed! And yes, I was stopped at a redlight when I took this picture.
I got my engagement pictures back today. I am really excited because I really liked all of do you narrow down 386 pictures down to one! Here is a sneak peak...
I love the one on top because its natural...we were just sitting there talking while the photographer played with his camera and he took this shot to test the light! I don't really like my face in the second one, but how can you resist vom prom pose!! I didn't really like the dress that I wore...I didn't realize til I looked at the picture that it was short and I didn't really think it was tha
t flattering.
My photographer liked us so much that he wants to use us to build his portfolio so we're taking engagement pictures, round 2 in downtown Athens in December when they have it decorated for Christmas!
Happy Tuesday!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
So as most of you know, Emma's wedding was on Saturday. It was the most perfect wedding I've ever been to. The weather was amazing, Emma was gorgeous, and even Bryan cleaned up pretty nicely!
The drive down was LONG! Thomas had a test at 9 so we were going to leave after he got done with his test. At 9:30, he called me and told me he was done. I was still in my pajamas sitting on the couch watching tv. So I jumped up, got ready and packed the car.
We left Athens at 10:10. We arrived in Atlanta at 11:15 because I had to drop Stella and Kelsoe off at my parents' house. Then we left Atlanta around 11:30. We made it to Auburn before we stopped for gas and food. We ate at Wendys and filled up with gas at Wal-Mart and hit the road. At 3:30 we arrived in Brantley to visit my grandma and some of my family members. We ended up arriving at the beach house at 8:00! Talk about a long day! My GPS missed the house and told me to turn left about .5 miles down from it. So I turned left! Thomas who was navigating started to yell at me because apparently, I turned onto a sidewalk! Oops!
In other news, work is actually going by pretty fast this week, which is surprising! I've been reading Harry Potter in honor of the first part of the 7th book coming out and it takes up most of my time at work. I read the part yesterday where Dobby died and I cried...again! The most exciting thing that has happened to me this week was a guy that came in yesterday and paid his phone bill. He walked out the door and then came back in and said, "do you date black guys?" I looked up shocked and said "uhhh I have a boyfriend" and he asked me again, "are you into black guys?" and I repeated again..."I have a boyfriend"...and he said, "well if you didn't have a boyfriend, would you date black guys?" I just stared at him and he turned and walked out!
I'm going out this weekend for my friend's 21st birthday and then I have a baby shower on Sunday so hopefully I'll have some exciting things to talk about!
The drive down was LONG! Thomas had a test at 9 so we were going to leave after he got done with his test. At 9:30, he called me and told me he was done. I was still in my pajamas sitting on the couch watching tv. So I jumped up, got ready and packed the car.
We left Athens at 10:10. We arrived in Atlanta at 11:15 because I had to drop Stella and Kelsoe off at my parents' house. Then we left Atlanta around 11:30. We made it to Auburn before we stopped for gas and food. We ate at Wendys and filled up with gas at Wal-Mart and hit the road. At 3:30 we arrived in Brantley to visit my grandma and some of my family members. We ended up arriving at the beach house at 8:00! Talk about a long day! My GPS missed the house and told me to turn left about .5 miles down from it. So I turned left! Thomas who was navigating started to yell at me because apparently, I turned onto a sidewalk! Oops!
In other news, work is actually going by pretty fast this week, which is surprising! I've been reading Harry Potter in honor of the first part of the 7th book coming out and it takes up most of my time at work. I read the part yesterday where Dobby died and I cried...again! The most exciting thing that has happened to me this week was a guy that came in yesterday and paid his phone bill. He walked out the door and then came back in and said, "do you date black guys?" I looked up shocked and said "uhhh I have a boyfriend" and he asked me again, "are you into black guys?" and I repeated again..."I have a boyfriend"...and he said, "well if you didn't have a boyfriend, would you date black guys?" I just stared at him and he turned and walked out!
I'm going out this weekend for my friend's 21st birthday and then I have a baby shower on Sunday so hopefully I'll have some exciting things to talk about!
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