Wednesday, October 31, 2012


So along with everything about Fall, I love everything about Halloween. I love the costumes and the decorations and the candy, especially the candy.  I also love being an Aunt! Even though I've only seen Gracie one time, I know we are in for the long haul together :) I always had the best aunts growing up. The ones that did the cool things with you.... The one that took you toliet papering when you were 12...the one that took you for rides in her jeep with the top down and the one that let you eat Cookie Crisp no matter what time of day and blast Billy Jean on the record player. So, needless to say, I want to be that aunt (don't worry Daniel and Katrina, we won't tell you when we toliet paper)

I feel like I'm getting too old to dress up for Halloween, and unfortunatlely, wayyyyy too old to trick or treat.But I do love Halloween things. So I thought how can I make being an Aunt and Halloween go hand in hand? I decided to make Gracie a Halloween basket.
The basket

So since I am such a reader, I want to inspire Gracie to read...what better way to get her library collection going than with her own copy of Harry Potter! My goal is to give her a book for each holiday, a good mix of old classics and new classics!

I bought this pumpkin from Hobby Lobby and used a white paint marker to paint the G on it. It rubbed off really easily when I first did it, but I'm hoping that after sitting for a while, it will be more permanent!
I made a card from scrapbook paper. I just cut a scrapbook paper to be card size and then glued some spiders on the front
On the inside, more scrapbook embellishments!
I got the Onesie from A Children's Place and thought it would be too cute!

Who is this 'Aunt Kala' woman and why did I get stuck with her?
I'm sure this was Gracie's face when Daniel and Katrina told her that Aunt Kala sent her a Halloween basket. I just can't get over how cute she is! Its okay readers, you can be jealous that I have the cutest niece!

I want to make a basket for every holiday so any suggestions are welcome! There's a lot of holidays in the year!
See you soon Gracie!

"Aunt" K

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