Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Graduation: Kala Jones, MEd

When I was in high school, my high school counselor, Mrs. Holloman, told me I would never be successful at UGA.

On Saturday, I wanted to call up Mrs. Holloman and say HA! Not only was I successful at UGA, I also ended up with a 4.0!

Here are some pictures from graduation on Saturday.
My mom and I

With the family
 I was so excited my family came to watch me graduate! After graduation, we went to eat at Fatz and then came to my house to hang out. My sweet husband got me a cookie cake from Great American Cookie...

UGA has a tradition of "THE ARCH". The arch was built in 1850. the pillars of The Arch are usually taken to represent the Georgia Constitution's three principles of wisdom, justice, and moderation, which are engraved over the pillars of the Seal. The tradition is that you do not walk through the ARCH until you have graduated so of course I was super excited to get walk through...
I'm officially alumni!
Now on to get my Phd :)


1 comment:

  1. So very proud of my little "Dawg" graduate. PhD from Auburn, I hope??!!!
