Friday, August 26, 2011

The Bathroom

To most people, the bathroom is a dreaded place that no one really enjoys going to. For Reese, the bathroom is more like a way of life.

It all started when we were at my grandmother's house for the 4th of July. Reese was about 12 weeks old. It was so hot down there and to make matters worse, my grandma doesn't have central air, so it only makes sense that a dog would try to find the coolest place in the house. When we couldn't find Reese, we would look in the shower. Even Liza joined him most times.

Liza already looks guilty
I thought it was just a phase, but oh no! It continued when we got home. If we couldn't find Reese, it was because he was in the bathroom. He started out just sleeping in the bathroom. I would call him and he wouldn't come. When I would look in the bathroom, he'd be there, looking at me like whats wrong!! I've been here all along!

You lookin' for me?
Then, he started getting into the bathtub after I would get out of the shower. The first time I caught him, he gave me that same look and how can you get mad at this face?
Such a sweet boy!
But then I looked at what was left in the bathtub and I got a little angrier...
Not so cute dirty paw prints!

Then Reese started getting Liza in on the action! Nothing like a slip n slide in the shower!

Two things that annoy me...Reese is now drinking out of the toilet. Obviously, I can't get a picture of this because it doesn't go well with my screaming! And 2, now they get into the shower with me while I am still in there! Not that big of a deal, but you try having 110 pounds worth of dog in the shower with you!

I love my sweet baby!
 I can't complain though! At least they don't have an obsession with chewing on my shoes!

Happy Friday!


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Graduation: Kala Jones, MEd

When I was in high school, my high school counselor, Mrs. Holloman, told me I would never be successful at UGA.

On Saturday, I wanted to call up Mrs. Holloman and say HA! Not only was I successful at UGA, I also ended up with a 4.0!

Here are some pictures from graduation on Saturday.
My mom and I

With the family
 I was so excited my family came to watch me graduate! After graduation, we went to eat at Fatz and then came to my house to hang out. My sweet husband got me a cookie cake from Great American Cookie...

UGA has a tradition of "THE ARCH". The arch was built in 1850. the pillars of The Arch are usually taken to represent the Georgia Constitution's three principles of wisdom, justice, and moderation, which are engraved over the pillars of the Seal. The tradition is that you do not walk through the ARCH until you have graduated so of course I was super excited to get walk through...
I'm officially alumni!
Now on to get my Phd :)


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Camp Kala

Since I love dogs so much, I love watching other people's dogs. This had given my house the nickname of Camp Kala. I love it and would love to have a luxurious dog kennel where dogs can come and stay and be pampered at their home away from home.

Most recently, I had the pleasure of keeping Izzy for 10 days. It was great. She played so well with Reese and Liza, and by played, I mean she didn't stop playing. Reese and Liza started off double teaming her but that double team quickly turned to tag team. She definitely wore them out!

Izzy also wrote a camp journal every night before she went to bed....I know...hard to believe that she sat still long enough to write! I can't figure out how to upload it to the blog, but just another perk of staying at Camp Kala :)

I tried to get pictures but because Izzy was always moving, it was hard to get a good one!

Wrestling with Liza

Izzy said dang, its tough entertaining 2 puppies!

Izzy cuddling on the couch with me

I got in trouble for Izzy being on the bed...oops! No rules at Camp Kala

Izzy had a great time at Camp Kala and can't wait to come back!