Monday, April 30, 2012

Winnie the Pooh Shower

My childhood friend, Jessica is having a baby and is due June 27th. We hosted a shower for her today at my mom's house. We couldn't decide on a theme because Jessica is not finding out the gender of her baby. My mom wanted to do a garden theme and I thought a green and yellow jungle theme would be cute. Finally, my mom asked Jessica how she was decorated the nursery and when she responded with "Winnie the Pooh" we knew we had a theme!

We played two games, baby trivia (found here) and a baby scramble (kinda like this). I also created a Wishes for Baby sheet. I used this template but I made it Pooh themed. After all the guests filled out their wishes for baby, I collected them and we are going to laminate all of them and put them into a book. Jessica and Baby will have this book to look back on and read later! Take a look at our food spread!

Our spread
We served veggies and dip

Chicken salad with crackers and cheese

Red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting

Fruit dip with cream cheese dip, chocolate dip and caramel dip and mushrooms

and Spinac Artichoke dip with pita chips
In the dining room, we had the cake and punch and used the diaper cake as the focal point of the display.

My mom made the diaper cake using a YouTube tutorial! I don't think she will ever do it again but it is really cute!

My mom also made the lime sherbert punch which I didn't think was going to be very good but it turned out to be amazing!
The adorable and delicious cake was from a bakery in Suwanee
This was what we gave as the prize for winning the games...its a citronella candle, flower seeds, a spade and a flower notepad.
The parents to be! Congratulations

The girls! Dorena, P, Jessica, me and Shanna after the shower
Overall, it was a great shower! We had so much fun! It was great to hang out with friends. Jessica and Ryan are going to be great parents! Jessica is so sweet and patient and I know she is going to be a great mom! And I know Nana Cherry is going to be a great grandma...she saved all of Jessica's baby stuff to pass down. I know Baby Cherry Mills is going to be greatly loved and spoiled :)


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for all your planning and cooking! It was a great shower and wouldn't have been near as much fun without your games and great food. I am so glad that you like to cook! Looks like Meme's love for cooking skipped a generation. LOL.
    Thanks for admitting that my Lime punch was good. We had to peddle it off, but at least it was all gone. I would do another diaper cake too. I think the next one would be easier (it would have to be!)
    Love you,
