Sunday, January 5, 2014

25 Days of Christmas Review

Whew! The month of December flew by! Getting in one Christmas thing each day was fun, but it was a lot harder than I thought! Here is my review of the 25 days:

1. Chop down a Christmas tree 

This was so much! I had a blast cutting down our tree and bringing it home to decorate! The only thing that wasn't so much fun: putting it in the stand!

2. Put up other Christmas decorations 

Putting up our other decorations were fun too! It was a fun weekend of decorating our house!

3. Get Christmas candle for the house 
Fun smelling Christmas candle! I actually bought more after this one because it was so nice!

4. Tacky Christmas sweater party 

Tacky Sweater Christmas party was a success! I came in 2nd place in the contest and I think it all had to do with my penguin walk!

5. Drive through Madison, GA and look at the lights 
So this day was kinda a cheat...I played tennis this night in Madison but I did enjoy driving through downtown Madison and seeing all of the Christmas decorations! It was beautiful!

6. Get Starbucks and walk downtown Athens to look at lights 
So this didn't happen because of the above picture! I worked late and then went after work to get my new iPad! It was late when I got home and I didn't feel like going back out!

7. Go Christmas shopping 

Room full of gifts after a successful day of shopping! Liza was wondering what was hers!

8. Holiday Christmas party #1 
Had my first Christmas party with my lovely tennis ladies! We did a dirty Santa and had dinner at Hilltop Grille!

9. Buy wrapping paper and bows --this was a necessity obviously, but no picture!
10. Make Christmas cookies for a Christmas cookie swap 

Made cookies for our office cookie swap! It was so much fun and I definitely hope its an annual event!

11. Build a fire and listen to Christmas music 

I love a good fire!

12. Wrap Christmas presents 

I hate wrapping presents! But I have the best husband who helps me!

13. Holiday parade --The holiday parade was canceled because of the weather :(
14. Ornament Exchange party 

I love a good ornament exchange! My bestie Allison and her sister throw this party ever year and I look forward to it so much! It is a blast!

15. Christmas party #2 

We had Thomas's work party on this day! Everyone drew names and we had a taco bar dinner! It was a lot of fun!

16. Put finishing touches on decorations 

Epsom salt and ornaments in a vase completed our decorations

17. Drive down Milledge Avenue and look at the lights --Another long day at work so this didn't happen!
18. Volunteer at a food kitchen --I didn't get to volunteer at the food bank because my brother graduated on this day so I went to Atlanta
19. Make homemade ornament with the dog's footprints --I didn't get to do this because I played tennis but I did get to meet Santa!

20. Go ice skating--Didn't get to do this either... 
21. McNair Christmas party/Christmas party #3 

On Saturday, we went to Thomas's parents house and spent time with his family for Christmas, then we went to the Tighe's Christmas party

22. Finish wrapping Christmas presents --on Sunday, we went to my grandma's for time to wrap and no pictures!
23. Make goodies to give to neighbors --so I made goodies for the neighbors but did not give them out...OOPS!
24. Build a fire, turn on Christmas music and open a present --Thomas got called in on Christmas eve so it didn't go exactly like planned! I did get to cuddle on the couch with my sweet baby!

my sweet boy!

25. Christmas Day--our tradition on Christmas is to open presents, go to Waffle House for brunch and go to a movie before coming home for Christmas dinner!

We had our annual Waffle House tradition and then we came home to eat a fantastic Christmas dinner! I was so proud of my table and was super excited about my china! I just need napkins now!

Overall, I enjoyed celebrating 25 days of Christmas! It was fun and it definitely put me in the Christmas spirit! The only negative was it was a lot to do one thing every day, especially while working and doing other activities!

Hope you and your families had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
