Sunday, December 1, 2013

25 Days of Christmas

Whew its been a while since I updated. Summertime always seems to go by so fast! And now it is of my favorite times! T is on call this Christmas so my family is coming to spend Christmas with us! I realized that our Charlie Brown tree wasn't going to cut it. We decided to go all out for Christmas this year, which prompted me to want to do a 25 Days of Christmas. When I googled what other people had done, most people had kids and so their stuff included a lot of kid things. I wanted 25 Days that was adult friendly. So here's my list:

1. Chop down a Christmas tree 
2. Put up other Christmas decorations 
3. Get Christmas candle for the house 
4. Tacky Christmas sweater party 
5. Drive through Madison, GA and look at the lights 
6. Get Starbucks and walk downtown Athens to look at lights 
7. Go Christmas shopping 
8. Holiday Christmas party #1 
9. Buy wrapping paper and bows 
10. Make Christmas cookies for a Christmas cookie swap 
11. Build a fire and listen to Christmas music 
12. Wrap Christmas presents 
13. Holiday parade 
14. Ornament Exchange party 
15. Christmas party #2 
16. Put finishing touches on decorations 
17. Drive down Milledge Avenue and look at the lights 
18. Volunteer at a food kitchen 
19. Make homemade ornament with the dog's footprints 
20. Go ice skating 
21. McNair Christmas party/Christmas party #3 
22. Finish wrapping Christmas presents 
23. Make goodies to give to neighbors 
24. Build a fire, turn on Christmas music and open a present 
25. Christmas Day--our tradition on Christmas is to open presents, go to Waffle House for brunch and go to a movie before coming home for Christmas dinner!

You can check my Instagram, kalajmac to see how our 25 Days of Christmas turns out and check back on my blog on December 26th to see the overview!

Happy December 1st!
