Sunday, May 5, 2013

we have a DOCTOR in the family!

After 4 long years and lots of hard work, Thomas has finally graduated from UGA. It was such an awesome feeling to watch someone work so hard and accomplish a goal they have set out for!

Thomas's graduation was at the Performing Arts Center at 10:30. Here are a couple pictures from the ceremony.
 The graduates walking in
 Dean Allen's introduction
after the graduation ceremony
We headed to Loco's for a quick lunch and then headed home to get ready for the big party! Here is the some pictures of the set up for the party...
The table laid out for the food

The table with all of the food

right side of the table

left side of the table

Middle of the table

top of the cake

Banner on cake that said congrats Dr. Thomas McNair

Chips and dip ( I just bought Ruffles and French Onion dip)

Sixlets in red and black (bought at Party City)

fruit with dip ( I cut up apples, strawberries and peaches and made fruit dip using 1 package cream cheese, 1 cup confectioner's sugar and 1 small jar of marshmallow cream

Picture of Thomas from his white coat ceremony

chicken salad with crackers, grapes and cheese and pasta salad (I bought the pasta salad from Kroger! My mom made chicken salad and purchased the cannolis)

strawberries with cannoli cream, cheese balls and cannolis

Beer in one tub

Water in the other

Other drinks: coke and wine. For the wine, I mixed 8oz moscato wine with 2 oz ginger ale and added fruit

The Georgia overlay was actually a twin bed sheet

I bought a balloon to go on the mailbox but since it was pouring down rain, we hung it by the door

Obsessed with the cake! So much detail

Cake again

Thomas with his cake. Thanks to Deb from Deb's Specialty Cake for doing such an amazing job!

With my handsome husband
It was such a great day! We appreciate and love all of our family and friends for coming out to celebrate with us, especially on a miserable rainy day! I can't wait to start this next chapter in our life and to be a 2 income household!


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Foodie Post-April

Sorry my foodie post is a little late! Yesterday was a crazy day! And I couldn't get it to rotate, so just turn your head!

My foodie was from North Caroline so I got a lot of "Caroliner" treats! I didn't get a picture of everything individually because everything was used so quickly!

I made BBQ pork chops with the Carolina Treet! It was delicious!

Thomas stole the chow chow and pork strips from me and immediately stuck them in his snack drawer!

I haven't had a chance to eat the pickles yet, but I love that they are individually packaged!
