Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Plungefest 2013

If you'll remember, I jumped into Lake Chapman last February and it was cold...I was under a false notion that after being so warm all winter, it would continue to be warm! Boy, was I wrong!

It was a freezing 36 degrees when we jumped into the Lake Chapman this year...36 DEGREES!  I took a selfie because as most people know, I don't function until about 55 degrees so I'm about 20 degrees out of my comfort zone.

This year, all money raised goes to Athens Habitat for Humanity and building on a house here in Athens begins later this month. It feels good to know that we are making a difference in the community. Since the money went to build a house, we decided to dress up like ATC construction workers, hence the plaid shirts and hats!
 I left my camera with Thomas so he could get some pictures of me running in! He managed to not get me in any running in shots, but he did get this cool picture of everyone else running in!
 I didn't go all the way under this year since I didn't meet my goal but I still got about waist deep, which was pretty cold!
I did it again! I won the best costume and won for the most money raised! Thank you to all my friends and family for supporting me again...I definitely appreciate it
Until next year, stay warm!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

A Letter

In honor of my 26th birthday, I wrote a letter to my 16 year old self.

Dear 16 year old Kala,
       Wow! 16! What an exciting time! Being in high school and getting your driver's license feels like its the most important thing ever... and to a certain extent, it is! You now have the world at your fingertips (which means you don't have to ask your mom to take you somewhere!) But, while it seems like everything that happens to you is the most important thing that will EVER happen, its not! Life really does go on! 
       So here's my advice to you: Don't worry about what other people think about you and ignore those bullies when they make fun of your teeth and hair. Those things can be fixed but self appreciation and a kind heart are hard to come by. Don't worry about what you wear to school. While you think its important to plan out every outfit, down to the matching jewelry, no one else will notice. With that being said, don't buy stuff just because it's cheap, and don't spend so much money: save! You'll be glad you have it when you get older and you truly learn the value of money! Appreciate yourself and don't put up with people who don't appreciate you. Come up with a dream of your own and follow them. Don't care about what your boyfriend, or your parents or your best friend want for you.
        Laugh more. Laugh at yourself, laugh at others, laugh when things don't go right. Just laugh! Nothing is as bad as it seems--ever. Make time for your friends. They will always be there for you and you will develop relationships that will survive anything! And nothing can compare to knowing that you always have someone on your side. Same for your family; it is important to remember where you came from and only your family can give you a sense of that. They are the only people that have to love you no matter what! Be grateful that you had family that invested their time to you so that you knew how much you really did matter. 
        Don't worry about that ass of a boyfriend, someone will come along who treats you better. He'll make you mad and he'll make you cry but you will know that he is always on your side. Even though he will make you mad, he'll also make you happy and make you smile and those are the things worth remembering.  He will be worth the heartache you had to go through to get to him. Because small heartache doesn't even compare to knowing you found your soulmate, love of your life, and partner.
        Believe me when I say you will have some regrets, and you'll wonder what if, but everything you have done in your life has led you to where you are. As Steve Maraboli says, The beautiful journey of today can only begin when we learn to let go of yesterday.” 
        Most importantly, enjoy life and don't sweat the small stuff. Life is too short to let anything get you down. As your mom is always telling you, this too shall pass, and it will.

Your 26 year old self

ps. your life 10 years later is pretty freaking amazing!