Sunday, January 27, 2013

2012: A Year in Review

I know I'm a couple days late (ok like a month late) but 2012 is over and 2013 has started in full swing!

I can't say that I'm sad to see it go...2012 wasn't the best year for us, but we are always very blessed! Here's a look back at 2012:

We rung 2013 celebrating in Athens

I spent a lot of time in 2012 reading

And baking

We traveled to Brantley to celebrate LE's 1st was nursery rhyme themed and Thomas and I were the itsy bitsy spider and the water spout

I jumped into Lake Chapman in February

and celebrated birthdays

My niece, Carley, spend the night with us and we had to have our traditional Cracker Barrel meal!

and we went to see the Georgia Gymdogs

We spent the summer on the lake

and the dogs loved it

even in those chillier months

We celebrated both of my grandparents being happy and healthy :)

We celebrated a lot---babies
our first anniversary
and more babies
with a girl's trip to HHI in the middle
I had a minor set back with a wrist injury
but it was overshadowed by the fact that I bought my first car

and welcomed my first niece (as an official member of the family)
I also finally legally changed my name

And we celebrated weddings

and more weddings

I just can't get over how cute Gracie is!
Another minor set back---Thomas had to have an emergency surgery

but I did get to attend my first Falcons game
my bum wrist didn't stop me from throwing elbows on our 2nd annual Black Friday trip

I spent a lot of time enjoying the beautiful weather with the pups (the dog on the left is Harley, our neighbor's dog)
but half a year couldn't heal my wrist injury so I had surgery to repair some torn ligaments

                                         We celebrated Gracie's first Christmas in Sandersville

and had our annual Christmas lunch at Waffle House

and we ended the year by ringing in 2013 in Athens
2013 has started off with a bang! Thomas found out that he passed his boards and I found out that I got a promotion at work (which I interviewed for 3 days after surgery)

Here's looking forward to the next 11 months of 2013...if there are half as good as the first month, its going to be a GREAT year!
