So this is going to be another one of those posts...the I love fall/I love this weather/I love this time of year post.
Yes, I love the fall and this weather and all the events that come along with this time of year! I can't wait to go to a corn maze, carve a pumpkin, eat caramel apples while drinking hot chocolate and apple cider. I can't wait for bonfires and marshmellows!
To get into the spirit of Fall, I decided I needed a fall wreath. I took my inspiration from this idea from Pinterest. So off to the craft store I go and I obviously had to improvise. Just a word of note: if it ever strikes your fancy to work with burlap, BEWARE! Burlap is hard. It falls apart really easily and if you aren't careful with it, it will shred!
So here is my finished product.
I hate the color of my door so I took a picture of it against a white door...
Looks much better against the white door!
I had a little trouble with the wreath while I was making it. You can see that I tried to hang it by a ribbon
And then I thought it looked kinda funny so I decided to add a bow
Then, when I tried to hang it by the ribbon, it was crooked because the M was weighing one side down. So you can tell in the final picture that I had it straight on the hanger and a little off center so the weight was even!
Happy Fall Y'all!