Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow Day # 3

I need to start from the beginning and say that I am now unemployed (yay!). My boss came to visit me on January 3rd and said that they wanted to transfer me to another store thats about 40 miles from my house. They were also going to "demote" me and cut my pay. When I said no because I didn't want to do that, they said well we're going to have to let you go...hence the unemployment!

The day after the separation of ways, I of course applied for unemployment and applied for an internship. I got the internship but I have to fill out paperwork to complete it. I haven't been able to do this since I've been snowed in for the past 3 days. I slowly made my way out today to go to the bank and pick up my books, but now that the sun has set, the roads are icing over again.

I took Stella for a walk on Sunday before it started snowing. I just thought it was freezing!

Here is a review of the past 3 days in Stella's eyes.

Sleeping on the chair in the living room

 Thomas and I took Stella for a walk on Tuesday. It was freezing and icy but Stella really enjoyed running around in the ice/snow!

We passed a funny snowman...who was obviously enjoying the cold weather!

Can you see the beer in high left hand?
I'm hoping that more things will be open tomorrow since UGA is open at 11am.

I took this picture of The Georgia Club last time it snowed over Christmas...

Only 122 days til Thomas and I tie the knot! We're doing our tasting on January 22nd and I'm really excited! I love food!

I'll try to update next week about Snowmaggeddon 2011!
