Thursday, December 9, 2010

This and That

Well, its been a while since I've blogged because I've had nothing to say! Not much has happened this week, but here it is in pictures!

I worked in Atlanta last night so I drove home last Friday morning with Stella and Kelsoe. I'm such a good dog owner because even though it was freezing cold, I still let them hang their head out the window!

You can see that Stella looks a little hesitant. She would stick her head out the window while whining and shaking, but she was too stubborn to pull her head in!

I also did a little Christmas shopping. I tried to hit up all of the Cyber Monday sales, but they weren't that great this year. I got a couple things online and I'll do a little more shopping tomorrow for some things. I tried to help my mom out with some of her shopping. Her friend's kids wanted some Piggly Wiggly shirts and since there is one downt he street from me, I stopped in the check them out.

Since I finished with school yesterday (1 A down, hoping for 1 more!) I have a lot more free time on my hands at work. I've been doing a little bit of wedding stuff today and its kinda frustrating! I've been doing music stuff today determing what is going to be played. Then I moved on to wedding hair styles. I kinda want to wear my hair in an updo, but my mom wants me to do half up half down. These are some of the styles I like...

I like this one, but with less bangs hanging down.

I'm still looking so who knows what I'll decide on next! 

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
