Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Week of Events

Well, I guess you can say that I haven't updated my blog because I haven't been doing very good on my diet! I've been walking and running some more, about 3 or 4 times a week, but I'm pretty lazy the other 3 or 4 days. Needless to say, I have not been hitting 10,000 steps everyday. I had one great day, where I walked over 3 miles, played football and basketball. I had almost 25,000 steps that day...and I let that be my excuse for not walking at all for the next week!

Thomas and I took engagement pictures on Sunday. It was the most awkward thing ever and really is the only time vom photos are acceptable. It was weird having someone stand there, snapping the camera at you during private moments, telling you to stare lovingly in each others eyes and kiss. I hope the pictures turn out okay, I should get them back in about 2 weeks!

Finally, Emma's wedding is almost here! I will be leaving for Destin on Thursday morning for the much anticipated weekend. I've been practicing my speech every free chance that I get, always thinking of more clever things to say, but I know I'll probably chicken out in the end! I love my friends any any chance I get to spend with them, we always have so much fun!

Halloween is on Sunday and I was estatic when I learned that I will be home in time to greet trick or treaters! I thought and thought and annoyed my friends about what costume I should do. I thought we could do this...
I had even convinced Thomas to let me give him a blowout like Pauly D...alas none of my friends seemed down! Then I thought, I'll do a couples costume since its the week of VOM!

But those costumes were expensive, so I'll be going to the Dollar Store tomorrow before work to get something cheap...probably fairy wings or some other lame costume...there's always next year anyways!

Happy Halloween!