Many of you know that I have a wedding coming up in 228 days...When I tried on my wedding dress, it fit perfectly. Straight off the rack and I didn't need any adjustments (other than a hem)? Perfect! However, I tried on my wedding dress after losing 6 pounds from a parasite...I tried it on a month ago, and it fit but its a little snug...I don't think I want to try it on after this last month!!
So, as my diet started yesterday, I have decided to wear a pedometer to track how many steps I take each day! Yesterday, I took 6, 682 steps, which isn't bad considering I sit at a computer all day! My goal is to get to 10,000 steps a day! It definitely gives a whole new meaning to songs like " And I will walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more" and "every step I take, every move I make"! I sing those songs to myself as I'm stepping from side to side just to give myself some movement.
I thought that over 6,000 wasn't bad for beginners. But I realized that as I am stepping side to side in front of my computer, I'm shoving goldfish down my mouth... So I'm probably going to have to walk 20,000 steps just to combat all of the food I eat!
In other wedding related news, my friend Emma is finally trying the knot (try 2) on October 30th in Destin. Before her first wedding, I tanned and worked out and ate healthy. I guess I am trying to do the same thing, but its much harder the second time. I bought a tanning lotion at Wal-Mart that I've been putting on! It smells horrible and it turned my palms ornage!
Well, I guess I better get back to work!
Hope everyone has a great day!